Septic tanks are used for treating liquid effluents and faecal sludge. The rate of decomposition of septage is slower than its rate of accumulation. Owing to this reason, the amassed faecal sludge must be removed frequently with the help of a vacuum truck. A properly designed septic tank consists of one or more tanks, which are either made of plastic or concrete. Wastewater enters the first chamber of the tank, eventually allowing solids to settle down and scum to float. In order to decrease the volume of settled solids, they are anaerobically digested. Then the liquid constituent flows through the dividing wall into the second chamber. Here, another phase of settlement takes place. After that, the excess liquid drains from the chamber into the septic drainfield. The drainfield is known by other names, such as leach field and seepage field. Sanford Septic Services will give you detailed information about the features of a drainfield. A percolation test is carri...